Accessible from any connected device
Live, Accessible Data
iCone’s live data is easily accessible and available from user friendly dashboards that provide system managers with real-time situational awareness allowing for the evaluation of response time and equipment allocation for each location. With iCone’s ability to sort by time, date, location and additional features, traffic managers are able to focus on immediate problems in high activity locations to make informed modifications as necessary. With iCone products in place and logistics working in real-time, managers can be more time efficient and with greater financial ROI without having to invest in permanent infrastructure.
ConnectedTech Products working together
ConnectedTech™ proprietary technologies by iCone monitor fixed assets, deliver immediate notification via live stream or XML screen, and provide historical metrics on all products, result in labor reduction and rapid repair capabilities. ConnectedTech™ integrates with all iCone smart devices* to interface with existing traffic control equipment providing improved safety.
(*) NOTE: iCone Smart Device brand names are – ConnectedTech iCone, ConnectedTech iPin, StrikeAlert, ConnectedTech Flagging Baton, ConnectedTech AB (Arrow Board) Kit, and ConnectedTech MB (Message Board) Kit
See all iCone products in action.