Work Zone Queue Management
The iCone locates itself, monitors traffic speed and links to the web and looks like an ordinary traffic barrel to the public. Whether you need to undertake work zone planning, work zone management or traffic monitoring, the iCone will provide you with real time information on traffic patterns to enable you to efficiently manage the traffic in a work zone. By strategically placing iCones while the project is underway, the traffic manager can monitor the effectiveness of traffic control plans and make informed modifications to it as necessary. It is easy to collect metrics on traffic flow through work zones using iCones pre-programmed tools. Drop one on the shoulder and flip a switch. The iCone™ locates itself using GPS, monitors speeds, and links to the web to begin monitoring the information you need to manage your traffic flow.
Information and Reports
The iCone System can quickly give you information about your work zone. Reports are immediately available that provide, for example, the location of the end of the queue, travel time through the work zone, speeds at the taper, or speeds at another location where worker or motorist safety may be a concern. The iCone™ system is preprogrammed to collect these and other metrics.
iCones, strategically placed, has led to a 45% reduction of rear-end collisions in active work zones.
Technical Features
• The iCone is able to sync with all iCone Traffic Devices
• System managers can review multiple roadwork devices
• Details on each device (Position, Battery Life, Historic Metrics)
• Most comprehensive integrated ITS portfolio
Ease of Use
• Sets up in minutes along the roadside
• Remotely operate & monitor via Laptop, Smartphone, and Desktop
• Integrates with other iCone’s in work zone
• Immediate communication to message boards
• Generates reports immediately
• Locates the end of the queue
• Calculates travel time through work zone
• Complete integration with all iCone devices